Monday, September 30, 2019

History of Childhood

The history of childhood is a subject of controversy. Since serious historical investigation began into this area in the late 1960s, historians have increasingly divided into two contrasting camps of opinion, those advocating â€Å"continuity† in child rearing practices, and those emphasising â€Å"change†. As there is little evidence of what childhood was really like in the past, it is incredibly difficult for historians to reconstruct the life of a child, much more the   â€Å"experience† of being a child. In so many ways, the history of childhood is a history that slips through our fingers. Few Parents have left written records of how they reared their children, and fewer still children have left us their story. It is largely because of this lack of evidence, and because the evidence that does remain – advice literature, journals and letters, are so open to differing interpretations, that historians have divided over major issues such as whether children were loved and wanted in the past, the way parents viewed their children, and the treatment they received. The first major works into the history of childhood were those of Philippe Aries and Lloyd De Mause,  Centuries of Childhood, and  The History of Childhood  respectfully. Both historians took a â€Å"progressive† approach to history, and concluded that the treatment of children by their parents and society have improved considerably throughout the centuries. Both paint a very negative image of childhood, and family life in the past. Lloyd De Mause went as far as saying that;   Ã¢â‚¬Å"The history of childhood is a nightmare from which we have only recently begun to awaken. †Ã‚  (1)   believing that; â€Å"The further back in history one goes, the lower the level of child care, and the more likely children are to be killed, abandoned, beaten, terrorized, and sexually abused†. 2)   Aries concluded that there was no concept of childhood as a state   different to adulthood in these centuries, and therefore, even if parents did feel affection for their offspring, they did not fully understand how to respond to the emotional needs of their children. This argument gained further weight with the mammoth work of Lawrence Stone on the history of the family and family relationships in the early modern period,  The Family, Sex and Marriage in England 1500-1800. Stone too focused on the â€Å"evolution† of the amily through these three centuries, arguing that the family changed from being of an â€Å"open lineage† structure in which family relationships were formal and repressed, to the â€Å"domesticated nuclear family†, which resulted in â€Å"affective individualism†. In the early 1980's, Linda Pollock in her influential, yet highly controversial work,  Forgotten Children : Parent – child Relations 1500-1900, harshly criticised all the arguments made by Aries, de Mause and Stone. From her intensive study of over four hundred diaries and journals, she argued that childhood experiences were not as grim as they suggest it was. She strongly denies that there were any fundamental changes in the way parents viewed or reared their children in this period;   Ã¢â‚¬Å"The texts reveal no significant change in the quality of parental care given to, or the amount of affection felt for infants for the period 1500-1900†. (3)   Pollock's work has received support from Rosemary O'Day and Mary Abbot, who both deny that childhood â€Å"evolved† considerably in this period. In recent years, it is this approach that is beginning to predominate, but Pollock et al are not without their critics. Therefore, as there are two so very different approaches to the history of childhood in the early modern period, attempting to determine just how methods of child rearing did change in the past is fraught with difficulty. In order to determine how something has changed, it is necessary to determine what it changed from, and there is no consensus of opinion as to how parents reared their children in this period. However, it is perhaps important to emphasise that it is not so much the structure of childhood that is difficult to assess, in the sense of describing what the children actually did, but the attitudes and values of the parents. It is difficult to determine whether these changed, if they did how they changed, and why they changed, and the outcome of these changes. Between 1500 and 1700, the actual structure of childhood changed little. In this pre-industrial age, England was largely agricultural. Amongst the poor, children were put to work at early ages on the farm, sowing seeds, chasing birds, and other rather unstrenuous activities. If they could not be made useful on the family's own farm, then they would be put to work elsewhere. This was a characteristic of both the town and the country, although in the towns, children were put to work a year to eighteen months earlier. This applied to both sexes, although boys were more likely to be put to work earlier, and girls to stay home a little longer to help their mother. Children who could be spared from the farm, or whose wages would not be missed, were often put to school, to receive a form of elementary education which would help them acquire the necessary literacy and arithmetic they would need in life. Most of these children, especially the girls, remained in school only for a short period, and would then be expected to work to help their family financially. Some children never attended school, but were taught by their mothers at home. Amongst the wealthier social groups, boys, and to a lesser extent girls, would be provided with a more rigid and higher standard education from the age of six or seven upwards. This could take the form of private tuition, a school education, or education in someone else's house. It has been argued by Stone, Aries and De Mause, that there was a growing awareness of childhood as a state different to adult hood in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. According to them, society was beginning to appreciate that children were not miniature adults, but were at a substantially lower level of maturity, and so had distinct needs from adults – protection, love and nurturing. Society was now becoming more aware of the importance of parental socialisation, that it was socialisation that largely determined the kind of adult a child would eventually become. Lawrence Stone and J. H. Plumb believe the emergence of this new characteristic can be traced in the artistic development of the period. Stone argues that in the middle ages, children were invariably portrayed as miniature adults in paintings, without any childish characteristics. However, into the sixteenth century, images of children began to acquire a distinct identity, and childish appearance. Plumb argues that from the late seventeenth century onwards, children can be seen playing, sketching and amusing themselves in portraits, which he suggests shows there was a definite concept of childhood emerging in this period. He also argues that the increasing availability of toys and literature especially aimed for children, shows a greater understanding and appreciation of childhood. It is certainly possible that children were seen in a different light in this period, considering the influence of the Renaissance and the Reformation on ideologies(an explanation that Stone touches upon and will be discussed in more detail later), but the evidence employed by both Stone and Plumb needs to be used with supreme caution. Art and literature may reflect to a certain degree the alues and attitudes of a given society, but they are also limited by the technological understandings of the age. It could be argued that the change in the portrayal of children was due entirely to the Renaissance influence on physical realism in portraits, and the development of superior artistic skills as a consequence. Also, as artists became more familiar with painting the human form, they may have been more comfortable in exploring o ther forms of presentation, moving away from the stiffness of some early portraits, to the more naturalistic settings of the eighteenth century. Similarly, the commercial availability of toys and children's literature may have been the product of a growing materialistic and technological world, not an indication of a greater awareness of childhood. Just because toys were not commercially available in the past does not mean that the need for children to play was not appreciated. Parents may have manually made toys for their children. Indeed, Linda Pollock argues that imaginative play was common through out this period. The literary development could likewise be due to the growing influence of the printing press which opened up new avenues for literature. There is no conclusive evidence that there was an increase in the  Ã¢â‚¬Å"concept of childhood†Ã‚  in this period. Linda Pollock, and Rosemary O'Day, strongly deny that there was, arguing that parents had always been†aware that childhood was different in kind from adulthood. †Ã‚   (4) Stone et al have argued that once society became aware that childhood was a distinct state from adulthood, this effected the relationship between parents and children. They argue that now parents were aware of the needs of children, they were more equipped to respond to them, and give their children the care and protection they so desperately needed. Both Ralph Houlbrooke and Lawrence Stone argue that during the course of the seventeenth centuries, families became more openly affectionate. They see the decline in observances such as the â€Å"blessing† as evidence of a more loving family relationship. The â€Å"blessing† was considered to be important in what it symbolised about the inferiority of children to adults. Children were expected to seek their parent's blessing every morning and night. Even in adulthood, children were expected to ask for this blessing every so often. There were also other customs to remind children of the respect, duty and obedience they owed their parents. Boys for example, were expected to take off their hats in their parent's presence, and allegedly girls were expected to kneel before their mother. The Countess of Falkland for example, knelt before her mother even in adulthood, and even though she had obtained a higher social status than her mother through marriage. Ralph Houlbrooke argues that in the seventeenth century such practises were declining. The â€Å"blessing† he says was replaced with a â€Å"goodnight kiss†, and the other customs relaxed. He believes that the increased intimacy in letters between parents and children in the seventeenth century are firm evidence of a growing affection and intimacy. He claims that parents were now using phrases such as â€Å"my dear child† or â€Å"my darling†, instead of the colder ones of â€Å"child† or â€Å"son, daughter†. However, again this evidence needs to be treated with caution. In this period, society was becoming increasingly literate, especially amongst the wealthier social groups, and a greater depth of education may have meant that individuals were now able to express themselves easier. It must also be remembered that the English language itself was going through a transition at this time, greatly benefitting from the Renaissance emphasis on the vernacular. Lawrence Stone sees the decline in the customs of swaddling and wet-nursing from the late seventeenth century and particularly into the eighteenth, as a further indication of a growing affection. However, again, this depends on interpretation. It was not for any abusive or oppressive reason that parents swaddled their children, but because they genuinely believed that it was for the child's benefit, in that it prevented the child's limbs from growing crooked and deformed. Arguably the decline of this practice was due to an increased scientific understanding of the human body, rather than an increase in parental affection towards children. Also there is no solid evidence that wet-nursing declined in the seventeenth century. Indeed, for much of the eighteenth century, wet-nursing continued amongst the nobility and gentry. Admittedly it was increasingly the subject of attack, as puritans in particular believed that all mothers should breast feed their own children, but that this practise continued in aristocratic circles (it had never really been a custom amongst the poor) well into the nineteenth century, it cannot be used to illustrate a growing affection between mothers and children. Lawrence Stone argues that one of the reasons why parents and children were emotionally distant in the early part of this period, was ecause of the high infant mortality rate. He argues that parents were reluctant to invest love and care in their children, because of the pain losing them would cause. However, Linda Pollock identifies a flaw in his thesis. She argues that if this was the case, then one would expect the indifference towards children to have prevailed as long as the death rate. Stone puts forward that parents were becoming closer to their children in the late seventeenth century, where for some pars of the country such as Devon, more children were dying in this period than had done in the sixteenth century. Pollock argues that contrary to reducing parental emotional investment, the high death rate only served to heighten their anxiety in times of illness, and increase their level of care. However, Lawrence Stone does not believe that all the consequences of a growing awareness of childhood as a distinct state from adulthood, had a positive effect on the relationship between parents and children. He suggests that with the awareness that behaviour depended on discipline, parents took their duty as disciplinarians more seriously. He claims that whipping and flogging now became common place in an attempt to instil morality in their children. He also attributes this development to the Protestant Reformation. He argues that Protestantism emphasised the notion of Original sin, and contrary to Catholicism, did not advocated that the salvation of children could be obtained by baptism. Protestants argued that faith alone determined salvation, and therefore, for a child to be saved, faith was essential. This led to a decline in the importance of baptism, and increasingly parents delayed the ceremony, for days, weeks, or even months. There was now added pressure on parents to ensure that their children fully comprehended the basics of Christianity, especially their own sinfulness, and need for repentance and salvation. This possibly increased the importance of the mother as teacher, and arguably created the potential for a greater intimacy between mother and child as they spent more quality time together. However, Sather argues that following the Reformation, the relationship between parents and children became characterised by   harshness and cruelty, as physical punishment became the norm, especially amongst Puritans. He who spareth the rod hateth his son† was universally repeated. Undoubtedly this theoretically sets the scene for a darkening of childhood experience. However, although the Reformation may have encouraged a harsher disciplinary role of the parents, as always, it is necessary to bear in mind that theory does not always convert into practise successfully. It is certainly possible that purit ans treated their children harshly in this period, tyring to get them to conform to their notions of godliness, but it must be remembered that for most of this period puritans were a minority, and a rather unpopular one at that. It was they who predominantly wrote the â€Å"conduct-books†, advising parents on how to rear their children, and although some historians such as Stone have taken their contents as evidence of a harsh attitude towards children, it is necessary to remember that   conduct books state how things ought to be, not how they are. Admittedly there were parents who did physically punish their children. John Aubrey, a contemporary of the seventeenth century, stated that harsh physical correction was rife, and that â€Å"the child perfectly hated the sight of his parents as the slave his torturer†, but this is highly debatable. It is likely that if children were abused in this period, the abuse was more likely to be inflicted by the children's employers who abused their powerful positions. There are numerous accounts of young boys and girls having been physically abused by their masters. However, it is significant that many parents on discovering this abuse, issued a suit against the guilty person, suggesting that such treatment was far from socially acceptable. Parents wanted their children corrected, and arguably would not have opposed to a physical chastisement if essential, but did not want, or approve, of excessive correction. That physical punishment existed, cannot be taken as evidence of increased parental harshness towards children. It is clear from several journals that parents who did feel the need to physically punish their children, were often deeply troubled by the incident, and if possible, preferred not to inflict physical pain on their child. Also, there is little evidence for Stone's theory that parents saw their children as innately evil, and thus needed excessive disciplining. Indeed, considering that writers such as Thomas Gataker had to continuously press the point that it was â€Å"an idle concept† to suppose that â€Å"religion and godlinesse is not for children†, suggests that most parents did not accept the belief, even if it was widespread amongst puritans. In all likelihood, most parents took the view of John Locke, that children were morally neutral, and that it was up to them by both love and appropriate correction, to bring out the good in their nature. Another change which it has been argued came about partly because of the Reformation, was the â€Å"educational revolution† of the sixteenth century. Certainly as Protestantism was the religion of the â€Å"word† both printed and preached, a higher degree of literacy was needed to read the Scriptures, and intellectual training in order for the people to comprehend doctrinal issues. Also, following the Dissolution of the monasteries and chantries, the educational provision made by these institutions ceased. Thus, if children were to be educated, schools had to be refounded, which is largely what happened in the reign of Edward the Sixth. This movement was also due to the Renaissance, which increased the value of education, especially amongst the gentry. With the Renaissance came ideals of gentility, advocated by Castiglione and Thomas Elyot. Education was seen as a prime requisite of gentility, for not only did it cultivate the mind, but it distinguished gentle persons above the poor, and justified their privileged positions. Not surprisingly then, with such a high regard being attached to education, rich parents, who perhaps were not entirely literate themselves at the beginning of this period, increasingly ensured that their sons had a decent education. Therefore, towards the end of the sixteenth, and especially into the seventeenth century, it became common for the wealthy to send their sons to the new grammar schools. If they were particularly wealthy, they would employ a tutor steeped in classical knowledge to educate their sons. That parents sent there children away from home at early ages has been taken as evidence of their indifference, but in all likelihood, when parents sent their children away, they believed it was in the best interests of the child. Ilana Ben-Amos argues that parents would only part with their children when it was absolutely essential. In the   early seventeenth century for example, it was only after James Fretwell, who was then only four years old, came home weeping because he could not manage the distance between Sandal and Yorkshire every day, that his father out of concern for his welfare put him to lodge with a widow in Sandal. Even then, the child came home on Saturdays. It can also be seen that attitudes towards female education amongst the wealthy also changed in this period. In the Renaissance years, it is arguable that the education of women was encouraged. Thomas More himself said that â€Å"I do not see why learning ay not equally agree with both sexes†, and the period produced a number of learned women; Mary and Elizabeth Tudor, Lady Jane Grey, and even Mary Stuart. Antonia Fraser argues that during Elizabeth's reign, there was a silent pressure on wealthy men to have their daughters educated. If they were to attend court without having some knowledge of Latin and the Classics, they would comp are unfavourably with the intellect and knowledge of the Queen, and would thus not create a favourable impression on the men they were expected to â€Å"secure†. Also, with there being a female monarch who was renowned as a scholar, it would be rather unmet to press the point that such a sphere was a man's preserve. However, with the Queen's death in 1603, and the accession of a man, such opinions were able to surface, and there was an increasing desire to exclude females from learning Latin and the classics. This was given impetus by the attitude of the sovereign himself. When King James was presented with a learned woman, he rather sarcastically remarked, â€Å"but can shee spin ? â€Å". This gave no incentive for the great families of England to subject their daughters to an expensive classical education, which many believed they had not the intellectual capacity to understand, and anyway would serve them no useful purpose in life. As the seventeenth century wore on, the difference in the educational expectations of the sexes became more marked. Girls were virtually excluded from grammar schools, and the notion of the â€Å"accomplished woman†, which was to play such a prominent part in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, gained a whole new lease of life. Parents were now encouraged to have their daughters educated in those subjects deemed suitable for girls – sewing, knitting, music, and French. Over the course of the seventeenth century, schools for girls flourished, and were dedicated to educating girls in these increasingly regarded female traits. Stone argues that the end of the seventeenth century saw a more humane treatment of children being adopted, but arguably this was not the case for aristocratic girls. Physical deportment was becoming increasingly important. The corset, which had long been in existence, now became regarded as essential, and the eighteenth century saw the development of other techniques to help create the perfect figure, such as stocks and backboards. Stone argues that one of the signs of a growing affection between parents and children, was the decline of parental control of their children's marriages, but if this was the case with boys, the marriage of girls was still often tightly controlled. In concluding then, it can be seen that trying to determine to what extent there were important changes in the way that children were reared in this period, is fraught with difficulty. The conclusion drawn, depends to a large degree on the approach adopted. Those historians such as Linda Pollock who advocate â€Å"continuity†, would argue that there were no fundamental changes in the way that parents treated and reared their children in this   who advocate â€Å"change†, would argue that there were important changes in these years. They would argue that there was a growing intimacy and affection between parents and children, a growing concern for the latter's welfare, and although the Reformation initially introduced a period of increased severity, the general trend was the improvement of the treatment of children. Certainly there were changes. There was an increased importance placed on education; the increasing segregation of male and female spheres within education; children were maintained at school longer; apprenticeships were lasting longer; there was an increase in the importance of early religious instruction; child baptism lost it's immediate   significance; swaddling becoming less widely used, and into the eighteenth century there was a decline in the practice of wet nursing. However, these changes are largely external changes. They tell us little about the way the â€Å"experience† of child rearing changed, if it did, during this period. Arguably, the more fundamental aspects of child-rearing, such as whether or not there was an emergence of a â€Å"concept of childhood† in this period, whether there was a growing intimacy between parents and children, and whether or not parental discipline became more severe, can only be speculated upon.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Emily Dickinson Essay

Emily Dickinson’s poem â€Å"I like the look of Agony† focuses people’s attention on great suffering and death. I personally find it to be cold and extremely cruel yet naturally truthful. Contrary to what it may seem, liking the look of agony is not a sadistic manner. It artistically implies how people respond to emotional sufferings and heartache. The poem itself shows the dramatic device of literature, which could be one way of showing her uniqueness and weirdness entertaining herself to go beyond the social norm. The author puts the sentence â€Å"I like the look of agony† at the beginning not because she likes looking to people who is in agony but rather, she is just having the intense interest of the way we absorb emotional sufferings, pain and the agony especially when death of a love one occurs. And it is so surprising to the reader to read the first line being so direct with extreme cruelty. Different emotions occurs and may be expressed inappropriately when we come to realize that death is unavoidable. Some people tend to control their emotions and try to have a full power on them. They feel comfortable out of it. It is called defense mechanism. Refer to the second line, which I personally believe that it is the heart of the poem, â€Å"Because I know it’s true. † She must have gotten a lot of untrue looks and hated them because she was a painfully shy and homely woman. We can speculate that the untrue looks are looks of interest or even attraction to her: looks of friendship, admiration and love. She doesn’t trust all those things, only the agony of dying, â€Å"Homely Anguish† -the personification of love. We know that most people often fear death, whereas we should be aware of the fact that everyone of us will come to an end and death is close to us. Suffering does not have to be associated with fear. We have to perceive that death is an event and it’s happening to everyone of us. We just have to stand and be prepared to face it. Agony is somewhat like having a cancer. How an excruciating pain of someone who is suffering from severe cancer feels like. This is the moment were we can be genuinely honest on how we truly feels. We don’t assume or pretend, but just live the moment and don’t even know how to gain control of it. None of us can deceive the physical appearance to go along an agony. In my view, death is something that we have to be prepared. It is unstoppable and beyond anyone’s control. We just have to accept that each one of us is uncertain when coming to an end. Lastly, I agree with what the author has trying to tell us, to be ready to face the last pace of life death. Analyzing this poem of Dickinson is one way of seeing the positive look of agony and death, which is to express the deepest emotions on a highly emotional incident involving the lost of someone.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Approaches to Adult Learning

Approaches to Adult Learning Annotated Overview The focus of this writing will be on the themes of the assigned chapter readings for Week 6. These chapter reading from Learning in Adulthood: A Comprehensive Guide was in the following chapters: 8, 9, and 10. This paper will also include additional learning resources (media video and instructor’s notes) and will outline points of interests gained from their viewing and reading. Week 5 Annotated Chapter Assignment This week’s study involved our reading of three chapters, viewing two media videos and article reading. This paper will touch on the points of interest that resonated with me in my reading as well as thoughts that I explored from the supportive learning resources (media video and instructor’s notes). The paper will conclude with a summary/discussion of what was gained through this learning experience and discuss ways this learning can be implemented. Understanding and Facilitating Adult Learning: A Comprehensive Approach Chapter 8 Theme The overall theme of this chapter highlighted an integrated approach to learning which shows the synergistic connection and combination of the mind, body, and spirit in learning called embodied learning. It also discussed the significance of learning through storytelling and heightened learning outcomes of narrative teaching. This section will address the points of interests that inspired to onto further study. Narrative Learning There are events that happen in our life which are unique. Some are uniquely dull and some can be uniquely exciting. However, the case each has a unique storyline that when told can help others to better understand and know something of the storyteller’s world that may lead to a significant discovery in their own. The writer points out that â€Å"Narrative knowing are not so much driven to find out more about the tangible outcomes of an event: its facts, logic and such, than they are about discovering meaning, and gaining under standing of the same event (Merriam, Baumgartner, the implications in the statement of one being personally involved in learning was spoken loud and clear throughout week six chapters. In reflecting on the theories and principles of transformative learning I can say that one of the enlightenments that I take away is through the means that transformative learning, one’s internal and external awareness is enhanced within that transformative learning experience. What I mean by that is, I learned that learning is more than just sitting in a room assimilating data. Cohen points out, that when one embodies the learning the learning experience, there is an opportunity created where any portion of the information being received can connect with meaning that initiates one’s conscious awareness that brings about a reflective moment which ushers in a revelation of one’s higher self. Transparently speaking, this reading brought up some thoughts that I had not previously co nsidered. Consequently, these three eye-opening chapters demand a deeper review and reflection on my part, if for nothing else than for the sake of growth through perspective changing and social enlightenment, which is the message I felt the writer was conveying within these three chapters. Incorporating Media and Instructor Notes The video, â€Å"New Approach to Learning† was an expose on the creator of Khan Academy. He is a former Hedge Fund analysis who started a free on line e-learning you tube website. This is a unique approach to sharing information with others that assister the self-directed learner supporting their ongoing learning settings. The presenter points out that his approach is simple and effective and attracts the attention of youth and adult learners around the world. The benefit of this approach to learning is that the learner can have ready access for a variety of learning event while learning at their pace. Mr. Khan points out that according to resea rch information the length of the content is at the right amount that facilities learning. The presenter also brought in a interviewee who expressed how this type of learning is a valuable asset to locations around the world that may not have access to any formal or informal means of education (Vantage Siam Co., 2011). The video, â€Å"Gen Y & New Approaches to Learning & Training† was interview centered on Generation Y and their approach to learning. The interviewee pointed out the demographic range of this new type of learner and the desires of the Gen Y group of learners to be taught in accordance to the technological society we live in. They want to be free in their ability to use the knowledge with the technology they have grown up with as compared to previous generations who did not have similar types of access. Both the interviewer and interviewee agreed that the responsibility of the teacher is to move away from former methods to incorporate this new desire for lear ning by making it easy for student involvement and encourages participation. This move will not only affect the present generation but it will prepare them for the upcoming one – Gen Z.(Award1956’s channel, 2010). The video, â€Å"Koren Alberich on New Approaches to Learning† was interview on three examples of learning using alternate reality games and virtual worlds. The interviewee explained how the games and worlds can be made to adapt to any environment and setting. Each can be structured to simulate desired learning outcomes. Two salient outcomes of these new approaches are: 1) the scalability. The environments and settings can meet any size of learning audience, 2) as for the use of virtual worlds they can be create real-time global location via internet that can bring global locations into one location (Clarey, 2011) Conclusion The overall thought of this week’s lesson has been an approach to learning that has helped me in synthesizing my lif e to what has been presented within these three chapters, as well to the previous lessons. Subjects like the principles of embodied learning with its lesson on spiritual and narrative learning are very insightful. I am a Pastor of a small congregation and I teach using the preaching method of expository preaching. After reading about narrative learning I have added storytelling as an element of preaching to help the listener gain a richer understanding of the content of my message. This is one example of how I have applied what I am learning. I believe that knowing and not applying what one knows means that knowledge remains as theoretical information. However, when that same knowledge is put into action then it takes on another essence, by becoming reality in the life of the one that has applied it. As I further reflect on what take away from the chapter dealing with Learning and knowing I now look at with I know and have learned through new lenses. Taking others perspectives, espe cially other cultures, will be hard to do. That is if one is not willing to, at the least, empathetically look at life from someone else’s perspective. I agree with the chapter writer concerning our western egotism when it comes to learning that inders us in that aspect. Our pride should not be the thing that keeps us from learning and knowing from other cultures. The truth is, in many cases other cultures have truly learned and know more than our does. Any barrier to intellectual growth must be overcome if we as a whole – world round – if we are to grow together. And as barriers, such as cultural pride and others come down that gives way to areas of growth in realms such as meaningful dialog brought about by the ethos of critical theory, as well as acceptance of ideals founded in postmodern and feminist perspectives. When approached with a mindset of open-mindedness, these theories and concepts are enlightening and the means of growth. Light makes things grow. Needless to say, I feel I have grown to have a deeper appreciation for what I have experienced thus far and look forward to what more is to come. References Award1956’s channel (Producer), & Award1956’s channel (Director). (2010, December 8,). Gen Y & new approaches to learning & training. [Video/DVD] Retrieved from Bohman, J., & Rehg, W. (2014). Jà ¼rgen habermas. Retrieved from Clarey, J. (Producer), & Clarey, J. (Director). (2011, April 22,). Koreen olbrish on new approaches to learning. [Video/DVD] Foote, L. S. (2015). Re-storying life as a means of critical reflection: The power of narrative learning. Christian Higher Education, 14 (3), 116-126. doi:10.1080/15363759.2015.1028580 Merriam, S. B., Baumgartner, L., & Caffarella, R. S. (2007). Learning in adulthood (3. ed. ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Nemec, P. B. (2012). Transformative le arning. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 35 (6), 478-479. doi:10.1037/h0094585 Paul, & Pedersen. (1980). The cultural boundaries of education and non-eastern alternatives. 1 Retrieved from Qiufang Fu, Zoltan Dienes, Junchen Shang, & Xiaolan Fu. (2013). Who learns more? cultural differences in implicit sequence learning. PLoS One, 8 (8) doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0071625 Vantage Siam Co., L. (Producer), & Vantage Siam Co., L. (Director). (2011, 15 July). New approaches to learning. [Video/DVD]

Friday, September 27, 2019

Labor market Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Labor market - Essay Example Comparatively, the poor performance of the US economy to inflation displays a high fight against recession, which results in an increase in unemployment levels. This paper will review why the labor market is doing unfavorably, due to poor fiscal policy. Since the 1930s, the growth of the government was accompanied by an enlargement of government spending. In those years, government spending made up about 3.3% of the national GDP. By 1944, the figure rose to about 44% before it fell to 11.6% in 1948. In 1883, it stood at 24%, and it was lower  than this figure  at 21%  in  1999 (Conte and Karr). This policy area entails fiscal policy, which entails the president’s proposal of a budget, which is split into different areas, including health, defense, transport and health services, among others. The main source of the funds allocated to the budget process is the tax collected from citizens, which approximated 48% of the federal revenues of the economy in 1999. Local govern ment authorities collect their revenues from property taxes (Conte and Karr). During the 1930s, the US government was getting out of the Great Depression. Therefore, it began to employing the fiscal policy to pursue social policies or in supporting its affairs, and to promote economic stability and growth (Popper). During the 1930s, people lacked enough income to purchase all the outputs from the economy, which resulted to the reduction of prices and bankruptcy of companies. With the increase in the number of companies suffering from bankruptcy, more and more people lost employment, which lead to further failure of companies (Conte and Karr). During the 1960s, the government rechanneled funds into government spending programs, which pushed consumption beyond what could be produced by the economy. Soon, prices and wages increased in an acute manner ending with a situation of inflation. However, the government did not control the increasing inflation. Therefore, during the 1970s, the economy suffered from an acute rise in the prices of food and those of oil resources. As a result, the government resolved to contain the high inflation, through raising taxes and through the reduction of national spending. The strategies employed to contain inflation failed to be effective with inflation and unemployment rising to uncontrolled levels, which led to a situation referred as stagflation in which deficits characterized the US economy (Popper). During the 1980s, these deficits increased despite President Reagan’s use of programs that aimed at increase national spending and cutting tax levels. As of 1986, the deficit had escalated to USD 221,000 million, which was about 22 % percent of the total spending of the economy. The high deficits made the conception of tax policies or increased spending unthinkable policy strategies. Starting with the 1980s, reducing the deficit was the key outlook of the economy’s fiscal policy. The years that followed were characte rized by the expansion of technology and trade with stimulation of economic growth appearing unnecessary. By 1998, the economy had changed to reflect a surplus, which led to fears that it would undergo major budget challenges (Conte and Karr). Despite the fact that the budget process was a very important process, the function of managing the American economy became very important. In general, it shifted from the outlook of fiscal policy towards monetary policy. For this role, the Federal Reserve System played a key role,

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Different Dimensions of Strategic Human Resource Management Coursework

Different Dimensions of Strategic Human Resource Management - Coursework Example If the employees were found positive then they were dismissed from their job. The company was dealing in controversial drugs. We would be focusing on the case of James, a sales team leader in the office. He was found guilty when a sudden drug test was conducted on him and results were positive. The company took the decision which was similar for all. He was dismissed. In this aspect the role and reach of the human resource department is analyzed. The legal reach of the HRD, ethical issues that the HRD has to keep in mind and the role of the trade unions in the organization are also discussed. The legal help that an employee may receive if he/she is unfairly dismissed by the company is also analyzed in the study to advice both the parties in the case the next steps that they can take. It is the duty of the HRD to solve issues within the company, so that they would not have to spend unnecessary money in legal cases. Generally companies solve issues through mutual talk with trade unions or compensate the employee for the loss that he/she had to bear for sudden unemployment. In this case Ms Davison was the bridge between the trade union and the management of the company. She was supposed to solve issues and settle the matter. It was recommended that the personnel should be given a second chance for improvement with strict notice of warning. Termination is a final and drastic step, which could be only taken after few oral or written warnings. Introduction In this study we are going to discuss in detail about the different dimensions of strategic human resource management. Strategic human resource management simply means to manage the employees or human resources of the company, by keeping in mind the long-term goals and profitability of the company. Organizations are looking for such human resources who would prove to be unique assets and can provide sustainability to the company. Due to drastic changes in the business environment, increasing diversity in the workfo rce, increasing focus on profitability and technology, the importance of managing the workforce efficiently has increased. The basic function of the human resource department is to ensure that the company has competent, willing and efficient workforce. There are several other functions that the human resource department of the company has to monitor along with recruitment and selection of the employees. These functions includes job analysis, training the employees, monitoring performance of the employee for appraisal, ascertaining the remuneration for the particular job position or employee, allotting incentives for good performance, taking care of the employee benefit policies of the company, acting as a communication channel between the employees and the top level management, developing employee welfare, safety and health care plans, taking care of promotions, transfers, maintaining industrial relationships, handling the issues of the Trade Union, solving disputes within the emplo yees or departments, assessing the ethical issues in the department or

Appreciative Inquiry of David Cooperrider Essay - 2

Appreciative Inquiry of David Cooperrider - Essay Example The questions asked are affirmative in nature and it focuses on the topic valuable to the people who are involved and directed at topics and issues for the success of the organization. This inquiry identifies â€Å"the area† where the organization needs to change. The change can be of different types which are as follows:   When an organization has to adapt to external factors, it may go through a major strategic change. Strategic organizational changes are usually quite transformative in nature as they include major adjustments and complete upheavals of the present way the organization operates.   People changes can be of large-scale or incremental. Large-scale people changes include replacement of the top executives with new employees in order to change the entire organization’s culture. Smaller-scale or incremental people changes include sending of management workers to team-building workshops and classes. These changes can be planned or unplanned, which may impact the employee’s attitudes towards work, behaviors of the individual and their performances.   Process changes define to be an attempt to improve the overall workflow efficiency and productivity of the organization. Organizations implementing these types of changes are highly successful when the new innovative process is applied to employee groups and the outcome of the new process work (Sharma, 2008).   In Silkeborg Council (Denmark) the problem in every department was absenteeism. The average number of working days that are lost over the first six months of 2001 was 9.25. One of the departments in which absenteeism was very high was the elderly care department. At this stage, the employees and the employers are inquired about the reason for absenteeism and then they are informed about the type of change which should be undertaken by them.   

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Flexible deterrent option Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Flexible deterrent option - Essay Example FDO is therefore a more collective and integrated approach than other military actions. In this essay therefore, an existing flexible deterrent option is scrutinized by use of initial force analysis to understudy how the FDO increases defense support to the key determinants of FDO mentioned above. The emphasis of deterrence is a Task Force to deter Ahurastani aggression from aggravating. Initial Force Analysis for a Flexible Deterrent Option Capabilities needed to accomplish the specified key tasks For the flexible deterrent option to be successfully executed, there are key capabilities that must be accomplished for each key specific task. An important aspect of the flexible deterrent option is that even though the flexible deterrent option (FDO) has an aim of securing Nakhchivan airfield to facilitate force and sustainment flow into the entire Nakhchivan region, this aim would be seen as a collective goal that cannot be achieved by performing only one task. Once this happens, the FD O becomes an event rather than a process. The aim can therefore be broken down into specific objectives, which are each backed by a specific key task. The collective achievement of the tasks then represents the achievement of the aim3. ... These are sustainable competence, guidance, energy and materials (engagement), combat readiness, information acquisition and processing, environment (knowledge), systems and modeling (maneuver), and force structure. Because of the interrelated nature of the mission of the FDO, these capabilities will be treated as related components of the mission rather than individual capabilities that apportioned forces must exhibit. Resources in apportioned forces There are three major apportioned forces, which are army, air force and navy. Among each of these forces, it is expected that all six capabilities identified above will be exhibited. But in order to make this possible, it is expected that certain resources that enhance the development of the capabilities will be in place. This is particularly necessary as the capabilities cannot be acquired or learned on an independent basis in the absent of resources. Currently, within the army, it is noted that there is an existence of huge problems w ith training, equipping and motivation for soldiers. Meanwhile for capability such as sustainable competence to take place, it is important that soldiers receive training on a constant basis so that their competences can be guaranteed and sustained. The same argument about training is true if capabilities like engagement, combat readiness, knowledge and maneuver can all be acquired4. For the capability of knowledge, which deals with information acquisition and processing to take place, it is expected that the army will be well equipped in the delivery of its duties. A similar case can be made for force structure, sustainable competence and combat readiness, which are all capabilities that cannot be guaranteed in the absence of motivation for soldiers.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

International Trade Law and Institutions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

International Trade Law and Institutions - Essay Example In this paper, the dispute resolution procedures used by two of the most prominent global arbiters, the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) will be compared and contrasted in terms of the types of cases that each respective organization would deal with, the methods by which disputes are referred to them, the process/methodology for the dispute resolution and the mechanisms for redress. In addition, reference will be made, where appropriate, to relevant sources of law. In order to accurately evaluate and understand the various aspects of these organizations that will soon be presented, an adequate understanding of the structure of the WTO and the ICC both need to be explained briefly. The WTO has its origins in the words of a man who lived and studied economics centuries before the WTO ever existed. Considered by many to be the father of modern economics, Adam Smith put forth the original theory that the key to true economic progress and prosperity for all nations is international trade. He theorized that by making a wide variety of goods and services available anywhere in the world, not only would the country of origin benefit, but also the receptions of these goods would benefit due to the improvement of their quality of life through the utility of the goods themselves (Miller, 2003). With the idea of free international trade already very popular, the WTO was formed not only in an effort to promote free international trade, but also to attempt to police the international marketplace to prevent violations of trade laws. Like, the WTO, the ICC seeks to serve as an advocate for, and protector of international trade. Possessing a similar mindset to that of the WTO, the ICC also tries to peacefully resolve international trade disputes through an arbitration process, promote free trade in every corner of the globe, and seek ways to improve world commerce, much as one's local chamber of commerce promotes the interests of a given city or town (International Chamber of Commerce, 2006). Having given a brief overview of the origins, goals, and mindsets of these two organizations, it is now possible to properly analyze them as was detailed at the outset of this paper. Types of Cases Speaking in the broadest of terms, both the WTO and the ICC handle cases of a non-criminal nature; both organizations, in the course of evaluating a case, will refer any criminal matters to the appropriate law enforcement agency anywhere in the world. The types of cases that these organizations handle would best be described as non-criminal civil matters in that the cases usually involve some sort of business or trade dispute that centers on financial gain or loss, and the disputes of both organizations can often be resolved by the use of monetary reparations for the injured party or parties. However, there are some fundamental differences in the ways that the WTO and ICC handle their respective responsibilities.In general, the WTO is more of a reactive organization, which is to say that the organization handles the disputes that are referred to them as they are

Monday, September 23, 2019

Managing Human Resources Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Managing Human Resources - Essay Example The purpose of any team work is to work toward a valued and common goal of an organization. The most important aspect of effective work teams is communication between members of a team in an efficient manner. It involves the ability of each member to understand what the other member is thinking and to determine his/her intentions in an effective manner. There are numerous team development theories and this concept is not new in the modern world. These theories create an effective framework by which the contribution of each member of a team to the team’s performance and development can be evaluated and analyzed. Belbin’s theory in this regard can be considered as an important theory in the development of work teams (Napier and Gershenfeld, 1999, p. 79). Belbin suggests that there is existence of nine team attitudes that are considered as important to success. The nine team attitudes are divided into three major categories by Belbin such as thought oriented roles, people oriented roles, and action oriented roles. Action oriented roles comprise shaper, implementer, and finisher. The shaper refers to an individual who is considered to be a highly motivated leader and possesses sound capabilities in handling pressure (Parker, 1994, pp. 33-37). He is considered to have high competence with regard to handling obstacles and c hallenges. His dynamism plays a huge role in encouraging others to accomplish their tasks. The Shaper is considered to display a high level of aggression which may at times hurt the feelings of others. It is necessary that work teams have a shaper for achieving the desired results but the existence of more than one shaper may be detrimental to the interest of the team as it can lead to face offs between the two shapers. Implementer refers to those individuals who are reliable, disciplined, and works very hard to fulfil the obligations of the team (Robbins and Finley, 2000, p. 65). They are

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Preferred language style Essay Example for Free

Preferred language style Essay Conduct a debate on: Most job candidates are concerned with baseline pay. Incentives and benefits do very little to persuade a candidate to accept an organization’s employment offer if baseline compensation is slightly below the candidate’s expectations. Incentives and other benefits are frequently given lesser importance by the candidates who want to join a new job. There are several reasons for this:- 1. Many of the employees do not give enough of importance to benefits and incentives that are not financial. They usually focus on improving their pay packages rather than their non-pay benefits. 2. Many candidates may not be sure whether they would be able to earn the incentives and other benefits provided. They would feel that such packages are merely eyewashes so that the job appears attractive and are able to take it up. 3. People often evaluate growth rate and the development rate in terms of monetary funds than by determining the incentives and other benefits. 4. Baseline pay is given greater importance to fairness by the employees than the incentives. 5. The external competitiveness is greater when the employees are being paid a higher baseline salary compared to incentives. 6. When the candidate comes for the interview for the job, he/she may consider to job duties to be tough. In such a circumstance, he/she would be considering earning the incentives very difficult, and hence would be looking at increasing their baseline salary. 7. People would more easily settle down for a job that offers more security (one that gives higher monetary funds) compared to those that are insecure and offer incentives. 8. Some employees may consider incentives as a form of encouragement for doing extra work. Many employees may even feel that incentives may prompt them to work beyond working areas, which may be not liked. References: Frederiskon, L. W. (1983). â€Å"Contents. † Journal of Organizational Behavior Management. http://www. haworthpress. com/store/Toc_views. asp? TOCName=J075v05n01_TOCdesc=Volume%3A%205%20Issue%3A%201 HRMC (2007). Baseline Pay, Retrieved on June 12, 2007, from My Own Private Radio Web site: http://www. citehr. com/baseline-pay-vt1462. html My Own Private Radio (2006). On employee compensation – note #3, Democracy in Action, Retrieved on June 12, 2007, from My Own Private Radio Web site: http://myownpirateradio. com/2006/02/13/on-employee-compensation-%E2%80%93-note-3-democracy-in-action/

Friday, September 20, 2019

Reflection On Separation Of The Church And State History Essay

Reflection On Separation Of The Church And State History Essay In the early sixteenth century there was only one religion in Western Europe. This was the Roman Catholic religion. For a long time, the Catholic Church had been involved in the political life of Western Europe. As a result of their involvement in politics, the Catholic Church became very rich and powerful. This caused the church to become weakened spiritually. The church had become a lot more interested in or had become corrupted by power and wealth causing it to pay very little interest to its actual purpose which was handling the spiritual problems of the masses. This caused the church to begin a number of malpractices, such as the sale of indulgences to the masses. Indulgences were documents signed by the pope that forgave or absolved people of all their sins and gave them access into heaven. Indulgences could also be purchased on the behalf of a dead relative, to reduce their time in purgatory before entry into heaven. The relationship between the church and the masses soon beca me solely based on money. Most of these practices, especially that of the sale of indulgences caused a number of people in different European states to start questioning the church, which was labeled as an act of heresy by the church. This people were the likes of Martin Luther in Germany, Erasmus of Rotterdam, John Calvin in Switzerland, and Henry VIII in England. Martin Luther was actually the main person behind the reformations which took place in Germany, and eventually spread to other parts of Europe. His actions started with the letter and 95 theses he wrote against the church in 1517(). In his writings, he questioned the churchs sale of indulgences as well as other malpractices. His writings spread throughout Germany and eventually most parts of Europe causing people to begin to see the malpractices carried out by the Catholic Church. As a result of this, Luther was excommunicated by the Catholic Church in 1521. This did not change anything as Luthers ideas had already spread throughout Germany. Luthers reforms led to a number of wars against the church, which eventually led to the separation of the church. Luther formed the Lutheran church. Another important figure that contributed to the reformation of the Catholic Church was John Calvin. Most of John Calvins works, such as the Institutes of Christian Religion were published in Switzerland which was a more liberal place as compared to France where he was born and escaped from. The Institutes of Christian religion was published in 1536(). He would have been persecuted by the king and the church if he had published his works in France. Calvins ideas were hugely successful in Switzerland and majority of the Catholics became protestant. Like Luthers ideas, the Catholic Church was against them and labeled them to acts of heresy. Calvin formed the Calvinist church. The king of England at the time, King Henry the VIII also played a major role in the reforms against the Catholic Church. English reformations against the church began under his reign. He pulled England away from the rule of the Catholic Church, making himself the supreme head of the English church by an act of parliament in 1534(). Although the English church had been cut off from the popes control, the English people were still predominantly Catholic. It was only later that the Church of England was to be known as the Anglican church of England and Anglicanism became a religion. Although Henrys actions were for personal reasons, he questioned the Catholic Churchs authority, something that would spread throughout England. There were many others who contributed to the reformations against the Catholic Church, but the likes of Martin Luther, John Calvin and King Henry VIII were at the fore front. The reforms that took place against the church helped most governments to break away from the control of the pope and the church. Most countries such as England and North Germany could to some extent make political decisions without the churchs permission. The population did not have to pay any more taxes to the church. The Catholic Church hit back against the protestant reformers with what was known as the Counter Reformation. The Counter Reformation was led most notably by pope Paul III in 1534. He hit back with the approval of the new religious order called the Jesuits in the convocation of the council of Trent to deal with disciplinary and doctrinal questions asked by the Protestants 1545 1563() . He also readily deployed military assistance when necessary to act against the Protestants. The Catholics succeeded to save some of its territories from the reformers as well as obtain new territories in North and South America. This was done through a number of wars against the Protestants. Although most of Europe still remained predominantly catholic, the church lost the grip it had on the masses. People began to ask questions unlike before. The reformations against the church had a major impact on the separation of the church from the state. After the reformations, the next period that really affected the church was the period of revolutions in science and political thought. During this period, ideas such as geocentrism accepted by the church where being questioned by scientist. The likes of Nicolas Coperincus, Johannes Kepler, Gallileo Gallilei and Isaac Newton proved the idea to be wrong and came up with the idea of heliocentrism. William Harvey discovered the circulation of blood, which was previously and unattainable feet because the church did not permit dissection of the human corps. More aspects of the catholic religion were questioned and yet again were proven to be wrong. Although the church threatened most of them and ordered their works not be read, the damage had already been done. The church began to lose its supremacy over the masses. The works and discoveries by scientist greatly affected philosophers of the next century. Like scientist, a lot of philosophers also started coming up with new ideas which enc ouraged people to begin thinking. A lot of these philosophers gave ideas concerning political thought and reasoning. They included the likes of David Hume, John Locke, Francis Bacon, Jean Jacques Rousseau, Franà §ois-Marie Arouet (Voltaire), Charles-Louis de Secondat Baron de Montesquieu, Immanuel Kant and many others. Most of this philosophers or philosophes came from the enlightenment (Age of Reason) period in the eighteenth century. The idea behind most of their work was the reduction of power from the kings in Europe. The kings in Europe at the time were absolute monarchs, and exercised authority over their subjects as the head of state and government. Most of the philosophes at this time were against this form of government, and strongly encouraged a form of power reduction. Montesquieu, for example came up with the idea of the separation of power into three distinct branches. These three branches included; the executive, the legislative and the judiciary. Most governments tod ay such as those of France and Germany are being ruled with the idea of separation of government. John Lockes idea was that a rulers authority was supposed to be conditional and not absolute. In his book entitled Two Treatises of Government (1680 1690), he defines political power to be A right of making laws with penalties of death, and consequently all less penalties for the regulating and preserving of property, and of employing the force of the community, in the execution of such laws, and in the defense of the common-wealth from foreign injury; and all this only for the public good (195). The United States of America is an example of a country that uses this form of government today. The ideas introduced by these philosophers led to revolutions in Europe, such as the French revolution and in European colonies abroad such as the American Revolution. The people sort to end the reign of absolute monarchy and introduce a new form of government. The French philosophe Voltaires ideas were also very influential. He directly questioned religious dogma at the time. He strongly routed for the separation of the state from the church. At the time the government was integrated with religion. What the church saw as an offense against its doctrines, the government laid out a sanction for the crime. No one could speak freely, choose his religion, or think without being persecuted. Revolts against absolute kings in a way were revolts against the church. As different European countries reluctantly accepted the change from absolutism, they became open to many other things including Protestantism. The Catholic Church slowly lost its grip over political affairs of the state thus leading to secularism and eventually, separation of the church from the state. With this, punishment was not given out to the citizens on the bases of religious laws or doctrines. In 1648, after the thirty years wars (a war that caused a transition from medieval to modern politics), secularism was really put into effect. Church lands were transferred to the state during the treaty of Westphalia, as well as the tolerance to other minor religions (Protestants). With the coming of secularism and the separation of the church from state, most countries picked up what was known as sovereign nation-states. The treaty ended the Holy Roman Empire as an institution and began what was known as a modern European system. England was the first European country to end the reign of the absolute monarchs in Europe. This happened at the end of the seventeenth century through the glorious revolutions under James IIs rule. These revolutions saw the complete over throw of absolute monarchs in England. The power of the monarchs became supplementary to the powers of branches of government. Parliament then drew up a Bill of Rights which restricted the power monarchs over the parliament and individuals in the society. It would not be for another century that absolutism would end in other parts of Europe. Absolutism ended mainly in most of Europe with the coming of the French revolution. The French revolution began in France in 1789 under the reign of Louis XVI. The revolution ended with the execution of Louis XVI in January 1793 (). This brought an end to absolute monarchy in France. This period was followed by Robespierres reign of terror under a new form of government called the National Convention from 1793 1794 (). The system in France eventually led to a consulate form of government in 1799. Napoleon Bonaparte became the emperor of France in 1804. Napoleon Bonaparte was strongly for the removal of the church from state affairs. France and the Catholic Church were not on good terms during the period of the revolutions. Regardless of this, Napoleon signed the Concordat 1801, which was an agreement that Napoleon would recognize the church and Pope Pius VII would recognize the revolution. All this was a formality for Napoleon as he did not really care what the Catholic Church thought. He was very displeased with the amount of power the Catholic Church had. During Napoleons coronation by the pope in 1804, he seized the crown from the pope and crowned himself emperor. This was in a way to show that he was not going to share his power with the pope. Napoleon was also in favor of religious tolerance and this was clearly seen through his Napoleonic code. her minor religions (protestants) thus followed. the bases of religious laws or doctrines s including protestianism

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Minimum Wage and Social Security are Bad for America :: Minimum Wage Essays

"A close examination of America's unemployment rates suggests that minimum wage laws deserve a big share of the blame. Businesses are not charities, they only create jobs when they think a worker will generate net revenue. Higher minimum wages are especially destructive for people with poor work skills and limited work experience." -- Dan Mitchell, senior fellow, Cato Institute. In Henry Hazlitt’s book Economics in One Lesson, he explains some basic differences in which a good economist is separated from a bad economist. Hazlitt conveys that, â€Å"the art of economics consists in looking not merely at the immediate but at the longer effects of any act or policy; it consists in tracing the consequences of that policy not merely for one group but for all groups† (Hazlitt, 2)1. Hazlitt’s theory that the â€Å"bad† economist looks only at the immediate impact of an act or policy and does not evaluate how it effects all groups in the long run, goes hand in hand with the law of unintended consequences. The law of unintended consequences can be described as, â€Å"actions of people, and especially government, always have effects that are unanticipated or unintended† (Norton).2 In other words when the short run effects on one specific group is all that is taken into consideration, down the road consequences that can affect other g roups will arise. One thing is for certain; unintended consequences come forward in the long run in all facets of the economy. In many ways economics is a balancing act, and with any policy or act somewhere down the road consequences will show themselves that were not necessarily intended from the get go. One economic policy that proves to show unintended consequences over time is the raising of minimum wages in the workforce. The immediate impact that takes place in some economist’s eyes is the fact more money is being placed in the pockets or lower income struggling households. However, looking at it this way causes the unintended consequences to be overlooked. Furthermore, in the long run a large hike in minimum wage would actually cut jobs, thus putting those looking to benefit from a higher hourly wage out of work. As explained here, â€Å"Duke researchers have found that after an increase in the minimum wage, the least skilled 3 employees are crowded out of their jobs as better educated teenagers are drawn into the work force† (McDonald).4 Now the same employees and families who were targeted to benefit from a minimum wage increase our now suffering.

history of theatre :: essays research papers fc

â€Å"History exists only when it is â€Å"made† by the historian.† (Vince, 65). According to R.W. Vince, it is very easy for researchers to get lost between â€Å"fact† and â€Å"interpretation† when documenting theatre history. Even when scholars uncover identical pieces of information, they may each have their own personal explanations as to why these facts exist. In turn, readers must exercise critical analysis when studying scholar’s research and not fall into the trap of viewing history from the author’s perspective. Personally, I believe Leslie Read’s chapter on the â€Å"Beginnings of Theatre in Africa and the Americas† is both fact-oriented and assumption-oriented, and must be scrutinized from many angles.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the first part of the chapter, Read describes Egyptian theatre â€Å"festivals† dating from 2600BC onward. The documented festivals were found on â€Å"papyrus excavated†¦ in 1896. Each scene in this â€Å"production notebook† consists of an account of an action, a mythological explanation, a short dialogue involving two or more characters, together with directions concerning subsidiary roles, the inclusion of song or dance†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Read, 94) This ancient document is an actual record of the Egyptians performances and helps to explain their festivals. From these papyrus designs, Read concludes, â€Å"Every symbol, gesture, sound and embodiment seems shaped to trigger a chain of significations in the onlooker, so that each episode compacts and resonates with shared assumptions†¦ continuity and coherence depend on the network of social, religious and political relations which are articulated and sustained, even taught, by these fest ival enactments.† (95) After studying the Egyptian theatrical texts, Read draws conclusions about the messages and meanings the performers were trying to convey. In accordance with Vince’s perspective, I believe that another historian could have studied the papyrus scenes and drawn a different conclusion as to the purpose of the Egyptian festivals. Perhaps by examining the documents, conclusions could have been made about the role of children or the importance of a strong work ethic. The point is that the document consisted solely of drawings and short dialogues between performers. There are limited facts available, and speculation is needed to complete the picture. The facts are but dots on the page, and Read connected those dots by providing possible explanations as to why these events occurred. Although these may be the correct inferences, after reading Vince’s article, I realize that this is not the only explanation.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After I re-read Read, I noticed that the facts about Egyptian festivals that took place over 1000 years were treated as one piece of evidence. history of theatre :: essays research papers fc â€Å"History exists only when it is â€Å"made† by the historian.† (Vince, 65). According to R.W. Vince, it is very easy for researchers to get lost between â€Å"fact† and â€Å"interpretation† when documenting theatre history. Even when scholars uncover identical pieces of information, they may each have their own personal explanations as to why these facts exist. In turn, readers must exercise critical analysis when studying scholar’s research and not fall into the trap of viewing history from the author’s perspective. Personally, I believe Leslie Read’s chapter on the â€Å"Beginnings of Theatre in Africa and the Americas† is both fact-oriented and assumption-oriented, and must be scrutinized from many angles.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the first part of the chapter, Read describes Egyptian theatre â€Å"festivals† dating from 2600BC onward. The documented festivals were found on â€Å"papyrus excavated†¦ in 1896. Each scene in this â€Å"production notebook† consists of an account of an action, a mythological explanation, a short dialogue involving two or more characters, together with directions concerning subsidiary roles, the inclusion of song or dance†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Read, 94) This ancient document is an actual record of the Egyptians performances and helps to explain their festivals. From these papyrus designs, Read concludes, â€Å"Every symbol, gesture, sound and embodiment seems shaped to trigger a chain of significations in the onlooker, so that each episode compacts and resonates with shared assumptions†¦ continuity and coherence depend on the network of social, religious and political relations which are articulated and sustained, even taught, by these fest ival enactments.† (95) After studying the Egyptian theatrical texts, Read draws conclusions about the messages and meanings the performers were trying to convey. In accordance with Vince’s perspective, I believe that another historian could have studied the papyrus scenes and drawn a different conclusion as to the purpose of the Egyptian festivals. Perhaps by examining the documents, conclusions could have been made about the role of children or the importance of a strong work ethic. The point is that the document consisted solely of drawings and short dialogues between performers. There are limited facts available, and speculation is needed to complete the picture. The facts are but dots on the page, and Read connected those dots by providing possible explanations as to why these events occurred. Although these may be the correct inferences, after reading Vince’s article, I realize that this is not the only explanation.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After I re-read Read, I noticed that the facts about Egyptian festivals that took place over 1000 years were treated as one piece of evidence.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Conformity and Fear in Self-Reliance :: Self Reliance Essays

Conformity and Fear in Self-Reliance The quote that most provoked thought and emotion from within me comes from the essay "Self-Reliance" by Ralph Waldo Emerson. "To be great is to be misunderstood" was used by Emerson to explain the lagging growth of the conception of ideas and thoughts of his generation. Original and novel ideas were scorned by conservatives who believed the best method for learning was by repetition and memorization of proven classics written by previous generations. The continuing timelessness of his quote is still in effect today as the scientific community has evolved to accept unaccustomed theories, yet encounters difficulty when relating to the public new and extreme ideas that rebut the system. In history, the results of individualism has been spread world wide. Important leaders, thinkers, and philosophers with radical ideas in virgin areas of research were making significant finds rapidly. Yet progress was slowed by short-sighted men who failed to see greatness. Aberham Lincoln was a revolutionary in his time with his views on slavery and forgiveness of the South. Yet his death was the result of one man's refusal to accept what was once a proud and rich land reduced to tatters- left to ruin because of her failure to accept civil reform. Herman Melville's work in Moby Dick was considered a classic, yet Melville died a figure with lost prestige, poor and unaccepted. When he was laid to rest in 1891, he was remembered only as the author of entertaining novels of the South Seas. It was not until 1920s when his place in America's foremost writers was assured. His works are now great masterpieces of emotion that were misunderstood while he was still alive. Another important example is democracy. In medieval times, monarchies and kingdoms ruled the land. Today, the monarch is merely a figurehead behind the power of democracy. At the birth of the democratic rise of the United States of America, the colonists were thought of as upstart fools- dreamers believing the impossible. English royalists were aghast at the indignation of the colonies to separate from England and form their own country. In present day, the United States is the sole world power, a great

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

My Career Plan

My Career Development Plan (1) 1. Introduction Career development, a major aspect of human development, is the process through which an individual’s work identity is formed. It spans one’s entire lifetime. Career development begins with a person’s earliest awareness of the ways in which peoples make a living, continues as they explore occupations and ultimately decides what career to pursue, prepares for it, applies for and gets a job and advance in it. It may, and probably will include, changing careers and jobs.In order to live successful and peaceful in the whole life, it is important to know where we are, what we want to be, and how to get there. Career development planning will force you to regularly perform a self-assessment on where you are now in your career, to assess the inborn job skills you enjoy using. Therefore, it is needed to set a plan for our own career development. Without a plan, we can’t achieve our goals. Career development is an ongo ing, lifelong process to help you learn and achieve more in your career.The career development plan shows where we should go (career planning) and how to get there (career management). Everyone has their own expectations, goals, and strong desires. In order to achieve our goals and strong desires, we have to make plan to get there; we have to organize the necessary resources such as knowledge, experiences, and skills; we have to lead ourselves; and we have to control whether we are going the right way or not. Since career development is ongoing, life-long process, we can change the way we go as per our career development plan.Hence, career development plan is very important engine for our career development. I have constructed my career development plan after learning four weeks of â€Å"International Career Development† course. I divided my career development as short term, mid-term, and long-term. This career development plan is vital role in my life because it reminds me w hat should I do and where should I go, and implementation of action steps towards my career goals. It directs the ways to go to my target, and energizes me to reach my goal. I can see my future clearly through my career development plan.It is certain that I can know the clear direction, I can choose the right way, and eventually I can reach my goal. The following picture shows my career development plan: 2. Discussion of My Career Vision * My Career Vision Statement I would like to discuss about my career vision statement. The career vision statement is our inspiration, and the framework for all of our strategy. Career vision statement tells what we want to achieve and, the goal and purpose of our plan. It gives us the direction and way of reaching our goals. My career vision guides me achieving my goals.My career vision statement is â€Å"Economic development through export promotion†. * My Significant Purpose of Career I will discuss about my significant purpose of career. I would like to contribute to the development of our country’s economy sharing my knowledge and experiences. â€Å"Management and Trade Analysis† job is the best way to fulfill my significant purpose, so having strong desire to become a Director General of Ministry of Commerce is my major goal in my life. In order to reach my major goal, I set â€Å"Mission Statement† as â€Å"One for All: upgrading myself , and motivation others through management and trade analysis†. My Main Career Goals I had a dream to become a Director General in Ministry of Commerce when I joined as an Assistant Manager in 2001. Becoming a Director General in Ministry of Commerce is my dream, my expectation, and my strong desire. Ministry of Commerce is my starting point of my career, and I realized that I have to upgrade myself in this government officer life. Even though I had a chance to choose another career, I have stuck the job that I like the most. I have been working for fiv e years as a Deputy Director at Ministry of commerce since 2007.I have not had my career development plan at that time although I want to become a Director General. However, I had a dream of studying in abroad because this exposure can help my future development. Yet, my dream comes true, and I am studying at IUJ. The knowledge that I learned from International Career Development class gives me the clear direction of my future. I can build my career development plan as short-term, mid-term, and long-term. I can see my future exactly, it is not imagination, and it is feasible. The following ladder shows my career development steps.Taking Director General and contribute the economic development of our country Taking Director General and contribute the economic development of our country Long-term Long-term Getting promotion as Deputy Director General and start own business Getting promotion as Deputy Director General and start own business Mid-term Mid-term Upgrading myself and to get promotion as a â€Å"Director† (preparation time) Upgrading myself and to get promotion as a â€Å"Director† (preparation time) Short-term Short-term * My Short Term Career Goals (3years)The time-frame for a short-term goal relates to its context in the overall time line that it is being applied to. For instance, one could measure a short-term goal for a month-long project in days; whereas one might measure a short-term goal for someone’s lifetime in months or in years. My short term career goal is upgrading my skills and knowledge for my next stage. By doing so, I intend to get a promotion as a â€Å"Director† of my same place. Building necessary skills and knowledge is very important in that stage. I will share my knowledge and experiences what I learned from IUJ to my department and colleagues.At the same time, I will improve my skills and experiences in order to get the next step. I need security and stability in that initial stage. Short-term goals are usually goals for the near future or are more tangible. My short-term targets should support my long-term objectives, so I should constantly compare them to make sure they line up. * My Mid-term Career Goals (5-7 years) My mid-term career goal is getting promotion and setting up a business in order to raise money for my second part of life. I will transfer to Overseas Trade Promotion department Ministry of Commerce as a â€Å"Director†, and I will continue my PhD program.When I finish my PhD, I can have a chance to promote â€Å"Deputy Director General position†. This is one of the mile stones for my significant career. Working at Overseas Trade Promotion department can give me many chances to go abroad, and attend the seminars and trainings in which will support me to get knowledge for my future successfully. My working place, Ministry of Commerce, is situated at, Nay Pyi Taw, the new capital city of Myanmar, and there are many government offices in that city. Cur rently, there is only two shopping mall and only 3D movie theatre, so I have not many places like Yangon, my former city, to spend my leisure time.Not only I can emphasize all of my times into my job but also I can manage my own business. It is certain that I can stay happily with my family, and I can spend my life doing the job that I like the most. * My Long-term Career Goals My long-term career goal is as a Director General of Department of Border Trade at Ministry of Commerce. This is the third part of my life, and also the end of my career goals. At the same time, I can stay happily with my family at Nay Pyi Taw that I like the most. In my mid-term career, I finished my PhD degree and I have settled my own business.It is probable that I can get promotion as Director General in my Ministry during at least 7 year period. As a Director General of Department of Border Trade, I have to manage the ongoing processes according to our ministry’s vision and mission as follows: * T o enhance bilateral friendship with neighboring countries; * To promote trade and keep it on the track of conventional trade; * To ensure the full realization of revenues to be levied by the state; * To provide favorable condition for private businessmen by which to earn reasonable benefit; * To help facilitate the flow of goods; Arranging staff development program, and * Attending seminars as ministry representative; In addition, Myanmar is not only being a member of ASEAN but an active participant in regional economic organizations such as the GMS, BIMSTEC and ACMECS. Since its geographic location strategically bridges the ASEAN and SAARC and also favours to trade with global giant China and India across borders, it’s not an exaggeration that Myanmar has become an economic hub in the region in terms of cross border and overseas trade.By using this prospect, we can promote our trade volume through border trade in yearly. Finally, this meets my significant purpose of career. * Relationship of My Career Goals with Significant Career Purpose My short-term, mid-term, and long-term career goals connect with each other, and it goes step by step. Reaching short-term goal forces achieving mid-term goal and it leads to get long-term goal. My career goals support my significant career as follows: * My short term goal as upgrading my skill and knowledge helps me having the necessary knowledge and skills.At the same time, I can share them to others, and it contributes to promote trade volume, and motivation of my colleagues as well as intend to get a promotion as a â€Å"Director† * My mid-term goal as getting promotion as a â€Å"Deputy Director General† and setting own business provides me to raise my budget. I can fill up the necessity of blank space and business knowledge for my future career development, and it helps me having required resources. It also supports both self-development and economic development. My long-term goal to become as a â €Å"Director General† gives me the task of managing and leading people. I can lead my organization and I can raise money as much as I can. I can get valuable skills and experiences such as leadership skill, managerial skills, and business skills. I can share all these skills and experiences to my colleagues and I can contribute to the development of our economy through border trade promotion. * My Personal Values * My Top Five Values: My Five Most Important Values (Core Values) Most Important Value Rank No. 1Personal developmentNext Most Important Value Rank No. 2 Achievement Next Most Important Value Rank No. 3Family happiness Next Most Important Value Rank No. 4Health Next Most Important Value Rank No. 5Wealth * The meaning of my top five values * My most important value is â€Å"Personal development† Personal development is the improvement of knowledge, health, and wealth. It includes building-up of knowledge, skills, experience, competency, and talent; improving bo th physical and mental health; raising money for steady life and for helping to others; and caring economic development. The second important value is â€Å"Achievement† It means the attainment of something that I want to have, for example, having a top position in my organization, rewarding, getting scholarship, accomplishing the academic goals, recognition and becoming wealthy person. * The third important value is â€Å"Family happiness† Family happiness means having happy and healthy family life. It includes sharing and receiving energy, encouragement, support, caring, affection, and happiness within family members both mentally and physically. * The fourth important value is â€Å"Health†Health means a state of being free from injury, sickness, and pain by physically and mentally. It contains feeling good mood, free from worrying, and free from depression and overconfidence. * The fifth important value is â€Å"Wealth† Wealth means possessing of valu able knowledge and abundance of financial resources such as possession of businesses, possession of materials, and having huge amount of money. The importance of my top five values * My most important value is â€Å"personal development† This value is important to me because I can’t reach my dream without personal development. My second important value is â€Å"Achievement† This value is important to me because it is the initial step for reaching my dream. * My third important value is â€Å"Family Happiness† This value is important to me because family can support whatever I wish and family shares both happiness and sadness. * My fourth important value is â€Å"Health† This value is important to me because my dreams will never become without good physical and mental health. * My fifth important value is â€Å"Wealth† This value is important to me because it is one important factor for supporting my dreams and happy life. These Values come f rom * Personal development comes from my own experiences in student life. Management is a noble profession and it cannot be performed well without personal development. In my student life, I had many teachers, and some teachers can bury their life in teaching; however, some cannot. I feel that if one has personal development, he or she can concentrate on his/her job. * Achievement comes from my own experience. This motivates me to go ahead and to reach the goal. Recognition from my boss gives me the energy to try to achieve my goal. Family happiness comes from my everyday life experience. Family happiness reflects the personal feeling and it energizes the work to be done. If we face family problem such as financial problem, social problem, and health problem, we cannot happy and it negatively affects our everyday life. * Health comes from the general truth. We cannot do anything if we are not feeling well. We have to spend lots of money to recover from illness, sickness, etc. * Weal th comes from the belief that wealthy people can do anything what they want.They can spend their money for education; they can start their business since they have strong financial condition; they can expand their businesses; they can make donation; they can visit everywhere; and they can use their money whatever they want etc. * My Values Structure The following figure shows my values structure. My core values are interconnected with each other and interdependent with each other. * Personal development should be done in order to get â€Å"Achievement†. * Family can support to get things done. * Without healthy, I can’t achieve my goals. Wealthy is an important factor for achieving my goals and it can solve not only some problems but also it can create almost everything of happy. Without money, I cannot motivate my work well, cannot start business as a result I cannot get a peaceful life. * The Result of POQ Pragmatic Value = 18 Intellectual Value = 19 Human Value = 23 According to POQ result, my most preferred value orientation is human value, which scores 23; the second preferred value is intellectual value, which scores 19; and my least preferred value is pragmatic value, which scores 18. Relationship between My Core Value and POQ Result Two of my five most important values, achievement and wealth, relate my most preferred value orientation, human value. Among my top ten values such as affection and helpfulness relate to my most preferred value orientation, human value. It means that I consider people whenever I make decision. It can be said that I like collectivism, friendship, and prefer to do the work collectively. In addition, my second preferred value, intellectual value, it can be said that I probably use cause and effect relationship whenever I make decision.As a head of department, a mentor, I have to lead and take care of all my colleagues like my family members as much as I can by my wisdom. If they are facing some problem, they canà ¢â‚¬â„¢t emphasize well in job and more aggressive to others than before which impact will becomes an organizational problems through personal conflicts in these department . * My Career Anchor According to Schein, there are eight categories of career anchors: Technical/Functional Competence; General Managerial Competence; Autonomy/Independence; Security/Stability; Entrepreneurial Creativity; Service/Dedication to a Cause; Pure Challenge; and Lifestyle.My career anchor(s) are Security/Stability, score of 5. 4; General Managerial Competence and Lifestyle, both score of 5. 2; and Service/Dedication to a Cause, a score of 4. 8 based on the result of the career orientations inventory questionnaire. * Relationship between My Career Anchor and My Core Values According to my own definition of my core values, my career anchors match with my core values. The top five core values are personal development, achievement, family happiness, health, and wealth. My highest career anchor is security/ stability, and my highest core value is personal development.In order to achieve my significant career goal, I need personal development, and Stability/Security is very important factor for supporting my personal development; I need job security, I need stable salary, and I need recognition from my organization for my further development. General Managerial competence matches with achievement of my core value. I want to become highest position in my organization and I want to lead my organization. This shows that my career anchor of general managerial competence forced me to have the core value of achievement.The other core values are family happiness and health, and my career anchor lifestyle reflects my core values. I want to take good care of personal matters such as healthy and family happiness. One of my core values is wealthy, and my aim is to serve community and society with my knowledge and experiences. In addition, I want to contribute to economic development by upgrading a nd caring my colleagues through leadership. Therefore, my career anchor sense of service, dedication to a cause somehow relates to my core value wealthy. * The Vivid Picture of My FutureThe best future job in my career is a Director General of Department of Border Trade at Ministry of Commerce. The estimated time is from 2020 to forwards. I see myself as * Director General at Director General of Department of Border Trade at Ministry of Commerce, taking responsibility of the departmental head, I have to lead for the development of trade volume and enhanced bilateral friendship with neighboring countries. * Representative of ministry of Commerce, and attending seminar, workshop, conference, and contributing to the development of economy. * Linkages Between My Personal Values and My Significant Purpose of Career Relationship between My Core Values and My Significant Purposes My significant purpose is contributing to the development of economic by sharing the knowledge and experiences that I learned before. In order to fulfill my purpose, I have to develop myself first, and then I can share it to others. My top five core values are interconnected with each other and closely relate with my significant purpose. * My first core value, personal development is one of the important factors for supporting my significant purpose. When I achieve personal development, I can provide others.Secondly, according to my own definition of achievement, if I have some degree and well leadership skills of achievement, I can accomplish the tasks to be done. I have more confidence and this motivates me to work out. This satisfaction makes me to build family happiness. If I have a happy family life, it gives me more energy and I can do my job happily. One of my core value, health is one important factor for successful in life. When we suffer from illness, sickness, and other mental and/or physical health problem, we cannot work effectively. We might feel depress, disappointed, and it c auses decrease productivity.My core value â€Å"Wealth† supports the last purpose of nurturing people who wants to improve their skill. If I am a wealthy person, I can establish scholarship foundation; I can provide financial supports to the voluntary organization; I can donate money for social development and human resource development program. The above discussion shows that my core values are closely related to my significant purposes. * Relationship between My Career Anchor and My Career Goals * My career anchors are Security/stability, General Managerial competence and lifestyle, and service/dedication to a cause.I am wonder that each of my career anchors is matched with my short-term, mid-term, and long-term goals. * As short-term goal, I want to upgrade myself and to get promotion as a â€Å"Director† at the same time, and this is preparation time for my future career. I want to continue my study and plan to finish PhD. I need a stable job and safety environment . This shows that my career anchor security/stability relates to my short-term goal. * My mid-term goal is getting promotion as a â€Å"Deputy Director General† and setting up my own business aiming at to raise money for retirement plan and to build happily family.At that time, I need recognition from others and want to have expert power and referent power. This means that my career anchor managerial competence and lifestyle reflect my mid-term goal. * My long term goal is to become a Director General by taking administration of ongoing process of trade promotion. The main purpose is to contribute to the development of economic through trade promotion and building relation within bordering countries. Furthermore, I want recognition and support from my superiors, and I want to contribute to the highest management position.This shows that my career anchor service/dedication to a cause closely match with my long-term career goal. * Relationship between My POQ and My Significant Purposes My most preferred POQ is human value, and the second preferred value is pragmatic value. This POQ results shows that I prefer achievement, wealth, and responsibility, and these are the supporting factors of my significant purpose. Moreover, the human value means caring people and developing human growth, and it reflects my purpose of contributing to the economic development.Since my significant purpose is contributing to the development of our economy by guiding my knowledge and experiences, it can be said that my preferred POQ, human value and pragmatic value, are highly correlated to my significant purpose. 3. Conclusion By reviewing the above discussions, it can be clearly seen that career development plan is an important framework for life long process. We can learn that if one makes his/her career plan, he/she can see the future and he/she wants to try to reach the goal according to their plan.If we do not have plan, we do not know where we are going to; we do not know how to get there; and we may lose motivation. If we can make our career development plan objectively, we can find the way; we can know whether we are going to the right direction or not; and we can control by ourselves. It is certain that the career development plan gives us the direction, the way and the means for our long life career goals. References Schein, Edgar H. Career Anchors: Discovering Your Real Values, revised edition, Jossey-Bass Pfeiffer, San Francisco.